Saturday, February 27, 2010

Priming board day!

Wednesday was spent taking a trip into my Magnet Mart to purchase a huge sheet of MDF which they then cut into panels for me. 30cm x 30cm (12x12in) and 20cm x 20cm (8x8in). I then brought them home, put on a Midsummer Murder DVD and primed all the panels for the rest of the day. Phew! Should keep me out of trouble for a while!
I prime my panels with 2 coats of gesso tinted with burnt siennna.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Woody study

Sheriff Woody doll - study
Oil on board
30cm x 30cm

I have been wanting to paint the kids toys for ages and had a real battle on my hands trying to do this one. Even though this Sheriff Woody doll had been buried at the bottom of the toy box for months, as soon as I dug it out and set it up my son suddenly wanted to play with it!
After the third day I gave in, he played with it for 5 minutes, then I found Woody balancing precariously on the edge of the toilet seat - nice!
I used a light box with lamp light coming directly above through hole in the top, Woody blu-tacked to a glass behind his back to stop him slipping!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I know, a little late but you know what they say... I forget, what do they say?
Anyhoo, I was working on this little number end of last year using the carder method. I abandoned the method and finally finished it today. The image is cropped a little so the edge of the saucer isn't actually right up against the canvas edge.
Getting married in 4 weeks so if i'm not around for awhile, you know why.
Enjoy my hardcore fan base of 2!! You know who you are.