Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I know, a little late but you know what they say... I forget, what do they say?
Anyhoo, I was working on this little number end of last year using the carder method. I abandoned the method and finally finished it today. The image is cropped a little so the edge of the saucer isn't actually right up against the canvas edge.
Getting married in 4 weeks so if i'm not around for awhile, you know why.
Enjoy my hardcore fan base of 2!! You know who you are.


  1. G'day Holly,
    Your Fan Base is larger than 2. Those aware of you blog may have been 2 but I have just listed to follow and I'm sure Megan will too!
    Congrats to you and Dan for the big day. First I'd heard. I'll let Megan know. :)
    If you want to see some of our goings I started a blog but haven't added to it for 10 months now. :(

  2. G'Day, long-time-no-see!! I just checked out your blog and it's fantastic, I've always wanted to go to Canada (had to settle for Fiji honeymoon). The shots of the Falls are amazing!
    I'm putting a link on my blog to yours, BIG hugs to you both and hope all is well with family.
