Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How to Deal with a Messy House AND be a Productive Artist in 5 Easy Steps.

  1. Throw a rug over it...then go back to your easel.
  2. Create pathways through all the crap...then go back to your easel.
  3. Tell the kids if they don't clean the house, Santa won't come...then go back to your easel.
  4. Move out to the shed...and take your easel with you.
  5. Your better half cracks it big time so you start cleaning the house together...then after 5 minutes sneak back out to the shed.
Whala, you end up with a clean house AND you've been super productive, nothing to it!!

Finished Piece
Look Ma, No Hands, oil on board, 30 x 30cm (12x12in)
Copyright2010 Holly Hartwell


If you wish to purchase this piece click here.

Did you know...
I own a $100 AUD paintbrush. It's a No. 26 Da Vinci black sable. Mmmm, black sable, it even sounds cool doesn't it!

What is the most expensive art supply purchase you have ever made??

1 comment:

  1. My etching press..waited 20 years for it...sold my VW Kombie to buy it..then had to get it shipped here across the Nullaboor on a train,from perth..then a truck from Sydney..then all the cartons of beer and food for the 4 men that cursed me to lift it into the house..was worth it....strange thing is though i mainly paint nowadays...
